Licensed venues in Victoria’s Brimbank district are joining with police to get tougher on antisocial behaviour.

A number of hotels in the suburb of Sunshine have joined local police to form the Brimbank District Liquor Accord, which could see patron bans throughout all participating venues.

Hotels and Clubs will receive voluntary safety audits, and advise police on any special events that may increase patron numbers.

Sunshine police report they will also be approaching bottle shops and sports clubs to sign up to the accord. Inspector David Byrt told Star Weekly the area’s problems relate more to off-premise alcohol sales.

“Our aim is to head into package liquor outlets,” he said.

“We don’t have a large nightclub issue; a lot of our issues come from package liquor outlets. This leads to violence in the home.

“The issues we have to address [with alcohol] are during the day and the early evenings.”

A report by Brimbank Council stated that the initiative was prompted by community and police feedback regarding “alcohol-related harm, property damage, violence and loss of amenity”.

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