
Business “disappointed” again by Government backdown on IR laws review

Associations and business groups have slammed the Federal Government’s abandonment of talks on IR laws, as the Employment Minister casually announces it will pull the teeth from the Productivity Commission tiger. Following an announcement to the AFR that he was surprised at the Commission’s decision to investigate penalty rates and the minimum wage, Senator Eric

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Unemployment high a symptom of “rigid” IR laws

As employment issues make headlines around the country, entities privy to the challenges of employers and employees bemoan “rigidity”. Last month’s jobless figures reached 6.4 per cent – the highest since mid-2002 – as the Productivity Commission’s reputed wide-sweeping review of the country’s workplace relations system began. Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce chief executive

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Penalty Rates & Small Business: Why it’s time for change

By Bradley Woods – CEO of the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) WA Whether politicians like it or not, laws cannot be legislated free of future obsolescence, because change is inevitable. Australian penalty rate laws are obsolete because the social and cultural landscape of Australian society has changed dramatically over the last 40-plus years. No longer

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Gallaghers Hotels team with chef superstar to keep kitchens up to scratch

Gallaghers Hotels announced a move in November to partner with internationally renowned chef Darren Simpson, to bolster its culinary credentials and keep ahead of increasing foodie patronage. Having worked in acclaimed restaurants across Britain including the Michelin Star-rated Roscoff in his native Northern Ireland, Simpson will ensure the Gallaghers chains of Irish and French pubs

Gallaghers Hotels team with chef superstar to keep kitchens up to scratch Read More »

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