After four years and multiple challenges, James Thorpe’s Odd Culture Group has regrettably announced the end of its tenure at the Oxford Tavern in Petersham.
OCG issued a statement Thursday, prior to publishing on social media.
“This pub has always held a special place in our heart—a space for our people to march to the beat of their own drum, and create the wild and wonderful, queer-coloured programming that resonated with the Inner West.
The Group purchased the operation early 2019, and rolled out a grand reopening the following month.
They say the old pub was a “saving grace” throughout the turbulent lockdowns and their venture in Tav Delivers, ultimately drawing them even closer to the community.
“The pub has a rich history, and we are grateful to have operated the place as an inclusive Petersham local, and a queer institution.
“We’re proud of everything we’ve put into the Tav. It’s been a wild ride, but the time has come to end this chapter.”
OCG this week announced its latest venture and entry into Victoria, with the pending launch of Odd Culture Melbourne, in Fitzroy.
The freehold of The Oxford is owned by interests believed to be controlled by Sydney businessman John Ibrahim, and there has not yet been a sales announcement made on the lease.
Sunday, 2 April, will see OCG’s final day of trade before handing back the keys and the group says it will be running out the kegs, spirits and other good stuff in “a glorious toast” to the Petersham pub.