Jason Marlow’s Group launches its shiny new Sports Bar at the Kings Park Tavern, being stage one of sweeping changes to further patron experience in entertainment and food & bev.
The Kings Park Tavern occupies a spacious block on a stretch of bustling Sunnyholt Road in the Blacktown region.
Its new centrepiece is the 275sqm Sports Bar, featuring a team of state-of-the-art TVs, with three ‘big’ screens. The Bar makes way through to the new smoking beer garden.
The taps flow with 16 different selected beers, including uber-fresh Carlton Draught from three tanks in the room.
This new space will open the doors Saturday 27 April, offering “member-priced” schooners, wine and spirits until 10pm, and live music from ACDC and The Angels tribute bands starting at 9pm.
This first stage will be followed by the re-purposing and re-branding of the pub’s former main bar into a versatile drinking, all-occasion friendly food and beverage space, to be known as The Vinery. This is slated to open in June.
“We are really excited to reveal our brand-new sports bar and add entertainment to our offering at Kings Park Tavern,” says Group operations manager Kirk Greenland.
“This is just one part of the major renovations that will be completed by mid-2019. We know our patrons will appreciate the new and improved offering at Kings Park Tavern.
“The venue will be a destination with something for everyone, from families to sports fanatics.”
PR through The Collective Co.