Stephen Hunt has produced a video explaining the benefits of his group’s Employee Assistance Program for workers and the venue.

In his role as managing director of Hunt Hospitality International, Stephen Hunt periodically presents informative updates on the workings and processes of the group.

This recently brought a short video (below) on a program Hunt Hospitality has embraced over the past two years aimed directly at the mental health of employees.

The Employee Assistance Program offers staff – on a strictly confidential basis – the opportunity for three sessions with a psychologist, to discuss anything at work or home that is causing them anguish.

Contact is typically kept strictly between the counsellor and the employee, and HH picks up the bill.

Having listened to their concerns, if the psychologist feels it is warranted they can recommend the person for further treatment with a mental health professional.

Hunt believes it is truly important to “make sure that all of your team members are performing at their best” and says the program helps the employee by providing an independent authority that is dedicated to offering solutions to their problems.

It further benefits all staff and the venue through an improved outlook and greater cohesion, with the added benefit of reduced chance of stress leave or workers compensation requirements.  

“The happier the team, obviously, the better and more productive they are for your business,” he says.

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