Global beer behemoth Heineken is making moves to get people back into pubs, pushing a campaign to buy a beer now to drink when venues reopen.
The campaign will be launched in 20 global markets, starting with Brazil. Heineken fans can purchase a beer online, to enjoy later at their favourite pub or bar.
Heineken will match each beer purchase with a donation to the venue specified.

Campaign creative is based around images of empty venues, set to the iconic ‘Don’t You (Forget About Me)’, by Simply Minds, coupled with the tagline ‘pay for a beer now, enjoy it later’.
The brewer has undertaken a raft of initiatives in response to the coronavirus crisis, extoling its guiding principles of: ensuring the health, safety and trust of its people; safeguarding the continuity of the business and appeal of brands; and supporting communities most impacted.
As news emerges globally of the blow seen to economies for Q1 2020, notably the US results citing near five per cent contraction in GDP in March, Heineken reported a decline in sales in the first quarter, but warns Q2 may turn out to be worse.
See a video of the upcoming TVC, HERE on B&T.