Carlton & United Breweries has today launched an initiative aiming to inject a million dollars into pubs and clubs around Australia closed due to the virus crisis.

The brand-new For the Love of Your Local campaign calls on Australians to pay it forward to their local watering holes by buying a pint of beer now to have later, when everyone reopens.

To further the incentive, CUB is donating another pint for each purchased, meaning the customer gets two for the price of one.

The cash goes to the venue immediately, helping to bridge the revenue gap during the mandatory closure period.

“Some venues are facing the prospect of never opening their doors again if they don’t get cash flow,” offers CUB CEO Peter Filipovic.

“It is an unprecedented challenge … not even during the World Wars or the Depression did the pubs close.

“But we know Australians want pubs and clubs to keep their place at the heart of many local communities once this crisis is over, so if you love your local, or just want to help save the great Aussie tradition of going to the pub, buy a pint of beer in their hour of need.”

The general public can buy their pint vouchers using Paypal, to ensure venues get the money quickly.

When doors re-open, purchasers will be emailed their voucher to exchange for two pints.

CUB is currently offering $1 million worth of kegs toward the campaign, but notes this may be increased.

The initiative has been launched in conjunction with the Australian Hotels Association in Victoria, which notes the importance of pubs beyond being a place to drink Carlton.

“For communities, it’s not just the loss of the local watering hole,” says AHA Victoria President David Canny. 

“Local pubs and clubs buy, hire and spend locally. Local charities depend on local pubs and clubs for sponsorship and fundraising. And there’s a whole supply chain from farmers to drivers who rely on a thriving hotel industry.

“I’d ask Victorians to dig deep and support their local, and the whole industry, when it needs it most.

“And don’t just buy one. Buy another one for a mate or relative you want to invite down to your local when it reopens and catch-up about the last few months over a couple of cold pints.”

Pubs can register to be involved HERE.


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