The licensee of Singleton’s self-proclaimed “freedom” Caledonian Hotel has been convicted and fined in court over his continued consternation about the COVID vaccine.
57-year-old Bradley John Hill has been waging something of a campaign against COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
This has included ‘Stand for Human Rights’ half-hams, being given away every Thursday night until Christmas, and regular “MAGA … make Australia great again” meat raffles.
In October Hill and employees were issued multiple $1,000 penalty infringement notices (PINS) over several days for being unvaccinated and present at a high-risk premise, and for ‘failing to take reasonable steps to ensure unvaccinated adults were not inside the business’.
Police returned again on the weekend, serving an order to close immediately until midnight Tuesday.
On the Monday the licensee was issued a Court Attendance Notice, charged with two counts of not complying with public health orders, allowing unvaccinated people into his pub.
Facts tendered in court by police detailed the repeated breaches, with Hill warned multiple times about being at the hotel unvaccinated and for not checking the vaccination status of patrons.
Found on 15 October “seated in the public bar … consuming a schooner of beer with another person” the publican provided police a document from his doctor.
It reportedly offered no medical justification, explaining Hill was simply afraid to get the jab.
“The letter states there is no absolute medical contraindication to COVID immunisation, but the accused does have firmly held beliefs and severe anxiety about getting vaccinated,” according to police facts presented.
The letter was rejected by police, as not meeting the requirement under the Public Health Act.
An officer later that day witnessed staff again neglecting to verify patron vaccination status.
Hill attended court without a face mask, buoyed by a mob of supporters.
Asked by Magistrate Mark Richardson if he was Bradley John Hill, he obfuscated, suggesting his name was “Bradley John” and that “Mr Hill is not in the court”.
ABN records show the Hotel registered to John and Helen Hill.
Hill was summonsed three times by the court sheriff before the frustrated Magistrate granted an application to have the matter proceed as though Hill were absent, subsequently convicting and fining him another $3,000.
A crowd of around 80 protesters cheered and shouted “justice” as the would-be martyr exited from the five-minute hearing, holding signs chiding what they mistakenly claim to be “tyranny” – before hitting Hill up to drink at the pub.
The man who refused to identify himself as Bradley Hill claimed the court refused to listen to his statement on the matter.
“Because it’s illegal what they’re doing,” he pronounced.

We all have to do our bit to combat Corona virus! I’m sure the author Clyde Mooney is doing his.
Covid is the worst pandemic ever in the entire history of the world, it’s so illusive that even when only fully double vaccinated, PCR test passing people can possible enter the country, covid is still able to breech our governments high security quarantine in the form of a new strain. We need severe measures and punishments for people who try to evade the new rules.
I know that Clyde will do his bit, he knows that being fully vaccinated and boosted isn’t enough to stop this pandemic, and he and I will follow the WHO’s in association with Pfizers new advice regarding this latest strain to get not 1, not 2, but 3 more boosters totalling 6 of the same vaccine that clearly would have wiped out covid completely if these dangerous and selfish anti-vaxxers just did the same.
There can be no faulting the WHO or Pfizer just 1 week after the new variant was detected in multiple countries all with vaccination rates around 70%-90% with mask mandates, full lockdowns lasting a year or more and travel restrictions. They know what they are doing, and I’m not going to listen to some anti-vaxxer who just wants to ruin the good work that you and I have done over the last 2 years of lockdowns and hardships.
These people are sick! If we just complied harder with the lockdowns, if we wore 2 masks, maybe if we wore gloves, got more jabs, sacrificed more of our culture, society and mental health we would have saved more than the 10 in 100,000 primarily over 75 year olds with multiple co-morbidities the most common being obesity that died of this horrific disease. To think there are 5-12 year olds running around unvaccinated transmitting this disease gives me high blood pressure. If they were jabbed at the start we might have pulled through!
My hat is off to you Sir, you are really doing gods work and real journalism to expose these horrific violations of state government emergency health orders that were justified from the start with real, verifiable, transparent information that was shared with the public. The government gave us the choice to get vaccinated, they provided it free, they let us keep our jobs and gave us our freedoms back if we complied. There was absolutely no coercion involved. What more could we ask from our elected representatives?
To be fined $15,000 he must not have been following followed Section 94D of the 1988 Privacy Act which was amended prior to the granting of Covid track and trace by the Australian Senate. Although it does say that any person who collects, uses or discloses data could face 5 years prison. What country does he think he is in?
I sure hope that Mr Hill doesn’t create a fund raiser to cover his court fees and reply to my comment with a link, we don’t need more behaviour like this, making standing up to the government become the norm.