The biennial AHA NSW elections have seen a resounding vote of confidence in the current leadership team, with key executives convincingly re-elected.
The Association’s council meeting yesterday had incumbent President Scott Leach pitted against country delegate Joanne Blair.

Leach was re-elected for his fifth consecutive term, along with long-serving deputy Lyn Humphries as Senior Vice-President.
Also re-elected was Vice-President Kim Maloney and Treasurer Colin Waller. In executive roles, Phillip Webster, Rob Lees and Peter Harris were elected as metropolitan representatives, and Rolly de With, Des Kennedy and Joanne Blair as country representatives.
In his speech to delegates, Leach reiterated his commitment to fight ill-conceived policy forced upon industry.
“The AHA NSW does not support blanket policy which unfairly penalises many safe, well run venues with a proven track record of compliance.”
“We support evidence-based policies targeted at those doing the wrong thing. I hope the Callinan Review into the Government’s liquor legislation leads to objective assessment of the regulations imposed on the industry over the last two years.”