Assault rates falling dramatically around NSW

The much quoted and independently run Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research (BOCSAR) recently released notice that assault rates around the State have dropped dramatically – to a predominantly silent response from media.

While the State average since 2008 has reached a very notable 37.4 per cent drop in violent crimes, some known notorious areas such as Sydney’s West have actually achieved far better still.

Frequently mentioned in the lists of violent venues, Penrith has seen a 60.1 per cent reduction, Parramatta has seen a 54.6 per cent drop, and Bankstown a reduction of 50.6 per cent. The Australian Hotels Association champions the numbers as resulting from a group effort by stakeholders.

“The results speak for themselves,” said AHA NSW director of policing and liquor, John Green.

“To see reductions this dramatic shows licensees, police and community are doing something right. This is a direct result of the effort local hoteliers are putting in working with police, councils and the community to come up with local solutions to local problems.”

Green insists that the outstanding results prove the greater effectiveness of stakeholder initiatives, as opposed to trade restrictions and lock-outs, and that they demonstrate Western Sydney’s efforts to “lift its game”.

“Perhaps we should call this the ‘Western Sydney model’,” quipped Green.

“Assault rates in and around licensed premises right around NSW are at their lowest levels since 1998, and we will be working with communities to keep it that way.”


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