After years of waiting, and a serious overhaul, the Light Brigade will finally see patrons on its roof enjoying skyline views of Sydney’s CBD.
As featured in this month’s PubTIC Magazine, the Bayfield family bought the Paddington corner pub in mid-2015, with a potentially pending approval for an amazing rooftop space atop the Art Deco landmark.
They bought the pub not relying on the possibility of the DA’s approval, but when it was, swiftly acted to embrace the notion and build an alfresco garden bar on the old tin roof, above a re-furbished and stylish Lounge bar.
After the inevitable delays with approvals, the official unveiling took place in June, but months later the area still had not received its revised licensing authority.
“Great news,” Kaine Bayfield today reported to PubTIC.
“The approval came through yesterday afternoon. We will be opening the rooftop to the public on Friday at noon.”

This could be just in time, as next Wednesday Kaine Bayfield will be facing his worst fears, to raise money in the name of Childhood Cancer.
The Bayfield’s ‘Dare the Boss’ fundraiser will see Kaine – with some help from the licensees of the Light Brigade and Dee Why Hotels, whom he volunteered – perform hair-raising acts such as walking on broken glass, in empathy with the frightened 950 children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer in Australia each year.