Park House at Mona Vale has made good on a blunder that saw a regular Salvation Army officer escorted out for asking patrons to donate loose change.

Last Friday evening a uniformed Salvo was making her customary visit to Arthur Laundy and Fraser Short’s elegantly remodelled Park House Hotel when told by a new duty manager that ‘hawkers’ were not permitted.

The manager reportedly suggested that a memo from his boss stipulated that people were not allowed to collect donations in the pub. But the Hotel has fostered a relationship with the charity for years, and most regulars knew her.

A number of patrons voiced their objection and a stir was caused when she was walked from the premise.

The incident has caused considerable consternation with the decorated owners, and Park House GM Dave Mills has explained it was a “terrible mistake” by a new employee.

Mills told The Manly Daily they had always been supportive of the Salvation Army and he would personally apologise to the collector, and the pub would make a $1,000 donation this Friday.

“To clear up the facts of the situation, a new member of staff has misunderstood the arrangement we have with the Salvation Army to walk the venue and raise money and has made a very poor judgment call on the run.

“For this, we are truly sorry and deeply apologetic.”

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