Driven by the beating iron heart of Newcastle, Steel City Brewing Company has partnered with Lion to proclaim a brewery for the people of the Hunter, backed by some of the region’s biggest names.
Steel City brings plans to brew beers that are easy-drinking, refreshing and “highly sessionable”.
The company champions modern working-class culture, and paying homage to the region’s industrious past it’s said the brewing team will be working closely with the legend Dr Chuck Hahn and the folks of Newcastle to develop brews that appeal to both people wanting great beers and those taking pride in the region.
Steel City’s founders include proud Novocastrians Andrew Johns, Trish and Matthew Johns, Kris and Danny Buderus, Brooke and Kurt Gidley, Eloise Boughton and Craig Anderson, Paula Miller and Matthew Hoy, Nina Graham and Ryan Callinan, Oliver Semken and Sophie and Ryan Ginns.
“After a number of years of planning and development we are excited to announce the launch of Steel City,” says managing director Oliver Semken. “Finally, a beer the people of the Hunter can call their own.
“Our partnership with industry leader Lion and the godfather of Australian craft brewing, Chuck Hahn, puts us in a great position to make great beer and deliver it in a no-nonsense manner.”
Chuck Hahn has been brewing and developing some of the country’s most loved brands for five decades.
“His involvement has been crucial in ensuring Steel City’s products are of the highest quality,” adds Semken.
Hahn says an authentic story and an enthusiastic team are essential ingredients in a new beer.
“As a brewer for 50 years, I have had the opportunity to start up a number of breweries and create many distinctive ales and lagers.
“Newcastle has long been the epicentre of Australian manufacturing, and Steel City’s founders all have a meaningful connection to this region they call home.”
Amid hundreds of craft breweries now dotting the nation, Steel City rises in the wake of locality-focused brands such as 4Pines, Stone & Wood and Balter.
“In today’s crowded beer market Steel City is a brand more in touch with culture than craft,” suggests marketing director Ryan Ginns.
“It is a brand that delivers easy-drinking beer, while recognising the unsung achievements of the hundreds of thousands of working-class people across the Hunter.”
Steel City is now available on tap at selected venues in the Hunter Region, with a pack release due later this month.
“I’m so proud to be involved in Steel City,” beams Matthew Johns.
“It tastes great and represents everything that is great about the Hunter region and its people.”