Next week will see the South Australia Hospitality Industry Forum and Exhibition, renamed Invigorate, taking place at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 October.

The expansive trade-only event is produced by the AHA|SA, with support from Clubs SA, Restaurant & Catering and Foodbank.

There will be stands and product engagement from suppliers in gaming, hospitality, food and beverage with sampling, and prizes for guests.

The rebranded event comes with changes to the format; over the two days there will be a line-up of panel sessions and “robust industry discussions” with operators and suppliers from around the country.

The sessions will cover: Gaming – landscape, challenges, solutions; Business – your brand and point of difference; Marketing & Tech – being up-to-date; HR – strategies, training and responsibilities; Food – the modern consumer.

One of the guest speakers, on two panels, is former Redcape and PHMG executive Alistair Flower, who brings his big-group experience and input on multiple awards in recent years for ‘best redeveloped hotel’ via the Collaroy and Centennial.

Having relocated to the NSW mid-north coast and enjoying well-earned success at Settler’s Tavern, he also appealed to the organisers as a non-South Australian with metro and regional experience.

Alistair Flower

“My story will be about buying a receivership pub, and what I have done to take it to where it is,” Flower told PubTIC. “I’ll talk a lot about community engagement, being employer of choice, working on brands, that sort of thing.

“The guys from the Birdsville hotel will be on the Brand Story panel as well. They’ve got a unique perspective on outback pubs.”

Invigorate will also see the 12 finalists in the famous SA Pub Burger Challenge compete for judges on the Wednesday, the winner announced at the conclusion.

The trade-only event is intended to “identify, embrace and adapt to the changing landscape of hospitality in South Australia” and is a “must-attend” for anyone in hospitality, says AHA|SA general manager, Ian Horne.

“The program will cover topical content, future trends, managing critical industry concerns and identifying new opportunities for the industry,” offers Horne.

“The hospitality industry is known for its resilience, adaptability and working collectively. We are very excited to be delivering this innovative program to assist the industry in invigorating their businesses.”

Invigorate will be opening 12pm-5pm on Tuesday 17 October, 10am-3pm on Wednesday 18 October.

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Speakers: Ian Horne (AHA|SA), Nadine Grinblat (Australian Gaming Council), Jo Fort (Birdsville Hotel), Emma Nicholls (BrandScience & Kardachi Restaurants: Osteria Oggi, Press, Shobosho & The Pot), Alistair Flower (Settlers Inn, Port Macquarie), Burt Admiraal (H&L Australia), Luciana Capobianco (RD Jones Group), Jen Evison (JE Consulting), Sally Neville (Restaurant & Catering Australia), Nathan Walker (Skillhire), Chris Stephan (Pen & Palate), Gavin Robertson (Adelaide Convention Centre), Maria Said (Anaphylaxis Australia).

Gaming suppliers exhibiting: Ainsworth Game Technology Limited, Aristocrat Technologies, Global Gaming Industries, IGT, Konami Gaming, SG Gaming ANZ, Statewide Gaming.

Hospitality suppliers exhibiting: Big Screen Video, Concept Collections, H&L, HostPlus, Innova Group P/L, Long Range Systems Australia, Nightlife, South Pacific Laundry Adelaide, Suntan Healthcare Products, The Clorox Company.

Food & beverage suppliers exhibiting: 3 Keys Food Group, Asahi Premium Beverages, Baxter Food Equipment Solutions, Carlton & United Breweries, Coca-Cola Amatil, Cookers Bulk Oil System, Cooper’s Brewery, E-West Foods, Galipo Foods, Hunter Technologies, Mountain Goat, Nespresso Australia, Pakrite, Peroni, PFD Food Supplies, Rainbow Fresh, Right Beer, Stoddart, Treasury Wine Estates, UNOX Australia P/L.

Prizes: Audi Club Tickets, Apple iPads, product vouchers, French champagne, Samsung Galaxy Tablets, 52 x Donna Italia Pizza (year’s supply).