Victoria’s Kingston Precinct has revealed its Liquor Accord to address binge drinking, with venues signing on to manage drink promotions.
The launch was announced by Moorabbin Superintendent Bruce Wemyss, who flagged the Accord’s mandate to discourage marketing the “rapid consumption of alcohol”.
Wemyss told The Age this means limiting Happy Hours to no more than four hours.
“Police do not expect licensees to ban happy hours. Rather, were are working with licensees to ensure that happy hours are well managed, do not run for excessive periods and do not encourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol over a sustained period.”
Also targeted are drink promotional cards where the recipient or holder can only use the offer on the same day.
The Accord is the result of the Kingston Licensees Forum held last year, and Wemyss reports a number of licensees took leading roles in drafting the agreement.

So far 13 venues have signed on to the Accord, which is backed by Kingston Local Council.
Pubs involved so far include: Bay Hotel; Bridge Hotel; ALH’s Chelsea Heights Hotel and Sandbelt Hotel; and Dominion Group’s Longbeach Hotel and Royal Oak Hotel.
Dominion Hotel Group were not able to provide a response in time for this bulletin.