Hiring staff to cover peak periods such as the upcoming summer season can be a daunting task, but there is help available. Follow this process to manage the hiring process more easily.
Getting a bird’s eye view
As there are a lot of considerations when hiring, it’s vital to first fully understand all legal obligations, such as paying employees correctly, tax and superannuation. Employers must also have a thorough understanding of the needs of the business, including job roles, whether or not employees need to be qualified, and the length of time an employee is required in the role.
The hiring process is covered in a checklist created by the Federal Government.
Choosing an employment type
After understanding the business’ needs, an employer will decide what type of employees are required. This can include casuals or fixed term employees, or a mix of various employment types.
The main benefit of casual workers is that the business has the flexibility it needs, however, casuals are able to refuse shifts, potentially reducing reliability.
Alternatively, fixed term employees can offer more stability, but require a higher commitment.
The Fair Work Ombudsman has a list of different employee types to help employers decide what suits the business’ needs most, and covers employee entitlements, awards and other information.
Act early
The earlier the onboarding process can begin, the more smoothly the process can occur.
Benefits include the ability to train staff in quieter periods, and having the time to select the best candidate for the role.
Other time saving measures can include creating a manual on key processes expected to be undertaken by new staff; organising interviews either in a group or on the same day; and sharing staff rosters early to ensure all shifts are able to be covered.

Sell the business to prospective employees
The Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that around one third of businesses looking to hire are having difficulty finding suitable candidates.
To overcome this issue, the prospective employee needs to know why they would choose one business over another.
Selling the business can be about highlighting the perks, such as skill opportunities, training, advancement or staff support.
Using social media is a valuable tool to get the role seen by the right candidates.
A step-by-step recruitment tool can be found here.
Create a great employment contract
An employment contract is simply an agreement between the employer and employee. While it can be verbal, a written contract ensures the terms are set out clearly from the start.
The Fair Work System covers all rights and responsibilities that an employer needs to know regarding employment legislation.
A free Employment Contract Tool is available through the Federal Government.
While there is a lot to cover when employing staff, following these steps and using the resources provided will help give employers the confidence to hire new staff over the busy summer season.
More information on hiring and management of staff is available at Business.gov.au.