As popularity and interest in beer continue to grow, demand has given rise to specialty education to counter the shortage in professionals.
The booming beer industry is creating opportunity for both hospitality and staff, specialising in beer much like has historically occurred with wine. The new breweries and venues taking up this market are finding themselves without suitably qualified workers to both create and sell the modern boutique products.
This has prompted NSW TAFE to partner with industry experts such as the Institute of Beer to create the Certificate III in Micro-brewing – a comprehensive vocational training course to create skilled and experienced brewers.
The Cert III runs for approximately 42 weeks and involves classroom time, learning theory over five core units and 12 electives. This is then put to the test at either the TAFE’s new 200L training brewery or at an industry placement.
The course was driven and will be in part taught by Neal Cameron – director of the Institute of Beer (IOB), brewing director for Beer Farm, and one of country’s most experienced brewers.
The IOB provides other training for beer creators and retailers and advises on virtually anything relating to the stuff. Cameron told PubTIC their goal is to bolster the professionalism and profitability of the industry.

“Our Certified Beer Server training teaches persons working in the industry about beer storage, serving, beer flavours – and off-flavours – and styles, then puts them through an online test and gives them a Certified Beer Server qualification.
“Ultimately, the purpose of doing this training is to assist with the process of selling more beer and assisting with the bottom line.”
TAFE is running an information session on the new course Wednesday, 14 September 5:30pm.
To be held at:
Ultimo Main Campus, Cnr Harris & Thomas Streets. Building F, Room 7.25