Katoomba’s historic Hotel Gearin has closed its doors amid a dispute between tenant and landlord.
Built 1881 by George Biles, the Hotel stands at a major Katoomba juncture on the Great Western Highway as it passes over the mountains. It underwent additions in 1919 and 1927, resulting in its classic Art Deco styling.
In 1910 it was purchased by Mrs Gearin, who renamed it from the Railway Hotel.

Long-term local resident Robert Dobson took on the leasehold operation mid-2014, having previously been employed there as a manager. He worked to build the pub’s reputation for live music, promoting the ‘Roxy Room’.
In March Dobson posted to social media, lamenting the imminent closure of the Hotel and Roxy Room at the end of the month.
“We would like to extend huge thanks to all that have put time, energy and support into this space for the last 4 years. Thank you for the music.”
Freehold owner Garry Wilson is suing Dobson over alleged unpaid rent.
Dobson disputes the claim and will defend against the action in court.
The civil case is listed in the NSW Supreme Court for Wednesday, before Justice David Davies.