The NSW Government’s Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner has created an Australian-first online B2B platform for venues, artists and players, called Neon Marketplace.

A key component of the Office’s new 24-hour economy strategy, Neon Marketplace aims to facilitate collaboration between Districts – businesses, suppliers, performers and more – to support creating vibrant local districts.

Michael Rodrigues, NSW 24-Hour Economy Commissioner, told PubTIC the initiative empowers venues to readily collaborate, boosting the appeal of their local areas to attract more visitors.

Michael Rodrigues

“If you are a club or pub and there is an active District in your area, we encourage you to create a business profile and connect with your District Coordinator through Neon Marketplace to get involved and tap into potential collective opportunities.”

According to Rodrigues Neon Marketplace currently showcases twenty-two Districts, with more to come.

Each District is a collective of local businesses who promote their local areas by working together.

‘Opportunities’ are a key feature of the site. Districts can post listings to seek required services, support, brand sponsorship, marketing and other opportunities, which in turn supports growing networks and connections within their communities, driving collaboration.

Local suppliers, performers, service providers and others can then readily connect with the business collectives.

Neon Marketplace will also function as a direct communication channel for local council and government, with information such as grant funding opportunities and support for building networking and capacity.

Funding is provided through the Office’s Uptown District Acceleration Program.

One success representative of the collaborations that will take place on Neon Marketplace occurred in February this year, when DOBBY, an award-winning hip hop artist partnered with YCK Laneways for Bacardi’s ‘Up Late and Loud’ festival.

The laneways were the perfect backdrop for the artist’s album launch and kicked off a four-week District-wide festival across local laneways, involving twenty venues.

The event showcased the unique characteristics of the area’s arts and culture and brought a surge of visitors over the month.

“We want all businesses, including clubs and pubs, to create a profile on the platform, engage and connect with local existing Districts and/or keep an eye out for new Districts forming,” Rodrigues says.

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