Western Australia’s tiny town of Darkan, around 200 Kilometres south-east of Perth, received a blow two years ago when its only pub closed its doors.
The pub had been established at the same time as the town itself, back in 1906, and had always been the social hub of the tight-knit community.
Fortunately, a small group of determined locals got together, and this month two years of hard work and dedication has seen the pub brought back to life.
After researching options, the soon-to-be board presented its idea to the community, who embraced the challenge.
“It’s been a massive learning curve as most of us are farmers – we don’t know much about renovating a pub or running one,” board member Karen Harrington told 6PR.
The board set up a company, selling shares to 42 investors. This raised the funds needed to both buy the freehold and cover the renovations and restoration.
As the pub had seen few renovations over its lifespan, the work required was enormous – plumbing, electrical and building works were all needing to be done.
Fortunately, the community stepped up, putting in untold hours of voluntary labour to see their vision come to light.

Finally, hotel managers Andrew and Mandy Crawford joined the team.
Darkan Hotel now proudly offers lunch and dinner, and drinks can be enjoyed in the huge alfresco beer garden or on the front veranda.
It also boasts a campground and has plans for accommodation rooms in the future.
Although there were a few teething problems, these were expected and readily overcome.
“It’s been going great,” Andrew told PubTIC.
“We’ve done hundreds of meals, everyone’s having a fantastic time.”