The owners of one of Melbourne’s last old-style pubs have sent out an urgent call for help.

The Footscray Hotel, which for years has helped its struggling community by providing both food and affordable accommodation, now needs a hand itself.

The 153-year-old hotel has seen a long list of Melbourne celebrities in its time, but now its future is precarious due to a myriad of repairs needed.

The Footscray Hotel does not want to be gentrified and has kept beer prices low – they still serve $9 pints – to help its community as much as possible.

“There’s a leak on the roof which has gone through to the men’s toilets and has wrecked the entrance to the men’s toilets so now people have to go through the back,” manager Sharon Kanna told the Herald Sun.

“It’s costing us a lot of money and we don’t have the money to do (the repairs), there are only two of us here and it’s not like we’re a big company,” she continued.

Community groups such as Pride of our Footscray, who run drag bingo nights, have passionately rallied around the pub.

Comedian Trent Mahon, who has run the pub’s free comedy open mic night for the last three years, is also passionate about the hotel.

Mahon kicked off a GoFundMe to help with the cost of repairs, which is currently around a quarter of the way towards the $20,000 goal.

Essential renovations include fixing the roof and ceiling, as well as plumbing and toilets. Should donations exceed the goal, further funding would be directed towards upgrading tables and chairs.

“The Footscray Hotel isn’t just a pub; it’s a haven for locals, a stage for performers, and a place where everyone is welcome. It’s one of the last affordable spots in Melbourne where community truly thrives,” Mahon said.

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